
Close Up

I am Jumpy. I am as tough as any Shepherd.
I sleep under the covers.

I am Pashi.
I guard the house at night.

I smile alot.
I am Itta. Some call me "the Sniper."
This is my own ball.

I am the fastest dog here, so no one can take it.

I get to sleep in the big bed sometimes.
I snuggle real close.

I am Suzie. I jump real high and act silly.

I am also the alpha girl and love raw chickens.

I am Tango. I am a man-dog.
Hoppy kisses up to make sure I don't eat him.

I love people and all the girls here.

I am Pup Pup.
I am the youngest and biggest one here.
I try hard not to get in trouble,
but lately people get mad when I jump up.

Hero, Jessie, and Hoppy will get close up soon
See you then!

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